Just in time for tax day, Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) has published Ten Thousand Commandments by economist Wayne Crews. Ten Thousand Commandments tells us that the Code of Federal Regulations is now over 157,000 pages long. In 2009, 3,503 new rules went into effect — that’s a new regulation everyContinue Reading

If you’re engaged in food and fiber production, you’ll want to watch PeTA’s vegan VP, Bruce Friedrich, debate a member of the BYU debate team, Bruce Daniels, on the topic: “Should Mormans eat meat?” Friedrich argued that compassionate, moral Mormans who want to reduce waste, cruelty, environmental devastation, and hungerContinue Reading

Cherry picking: that’s what it’s called when a scientist/advocate (a dangerous beast!) picks and chooses data to include in their work — whiling ignoring all the rest — in order to move their agenda forward. Unless you’re a scientist, it’s pretty hard for you to figure out where the holesContinue Reading

A video on the fall of Detroit into ruins is a cautionary tale of modern-day hubris. After watching this video, and learning that the average United Auto Worker (UAW) makes a stunning $130,000 a year in wages and benefits, I wonder where they all live? Certainly not in Detroit. TheseContinue Reading

Just in time for April Fools’ Day, the press reported “Obama clears way for oil drilling off US coasts”, telling us about the President’s “‘tough decision’ to expand offshore drilling.” While we’ve heard the President talk about all kinds of energy options including nuclear and fossil fuel-based sources, we knowContinue Reading

“At the peak of the consensus, 84 percent of Americans thought global warming was a threat. The only thing they agreed on more was the existence of God,” says Esquire Magazine. No longer. Polls reveal plummeting numbers for those still believing in catastrophic climate change, one of the UN’s mostContinue Reading

It’s kind of sad to see our muscle bound Governator pleading like a “girlie man” with California’s Air Resources Board (CARB) Chair Dr. Mary Nichols, begging her not to behead the golden goose (California businesses) with a big cap & trade permit auction. The Governator wants to give businesses capContinue Reading

If you feel like our country has been knocked about like a puck at the ice rink by the infamous hockey stick, you’re not alone. It’s becoming more and more clear to everything that the “climate change” campaign is a hoax and CEI’s Marlo Lewis sings about it. If theContinue Reading

The health care bill text is online. These House changes have to be reconciled to the original text as passed by the Senate on Dec. 24, 2009, Christmas Eve. This hugely complicated bill is reportedly a nice big present to some but many question if it’s just the gift thatContinue Reading

Drovers magazine is featuring a must-read article on a 10-point presentation by Center for Consumer Freedom’s David Martosko about how to peacefully share the Earth with “humaniacs”. Martosko’s presentation is really worth watching in its entirely as it is one of the best on the subject I’ve ever seen. IfContinue Reading