Esquire Magazine’s reality check

“At the peak of the consensus, 84 percent of Americans thought global warming was a threat. The only thing they agreed on more was the existence of God,” says Esquire Magazine.

No longer. Polls reveal plummeting numbers for those still believing in catastrophic climate change, one of the UN’s most profitable and destructive campaigns. The biggest, most outrageous, humungous eco scare campaign in history is unraveling. And it’s going to save you a fortune! Send Marc a thank you note at! (And do tell him how great he looks in the fur-trimmed jacket Esquire chose!)

It’s a real David vs. Goliath story and impossible without the leveling effect of the Internet where little budgets can give you a lot of traction.

You’ll want to read the full article: Esquire Mag. Profiles Climate Depot’s Morano in 6500 Word Feature Article: ‘This Man Wants to Convince You Global Warming is a Hoax…He seems to be winning’

It’s not a perfect article in any measure and Esquire fumbled when it incorrectly claimed Climate Depot’s Marc Morano made an “obvious mistake” about sea levels. But “reality check”: Marc did cite the data accurately!

Esquire includes a classic 1992 photo of Marc with Rush Limbaugh who praises his climate depot as “a great place to keep up on the global-warming debate.” 

I too have been a Marc Morano fan for years and am in awe of how one man’s tireless efforts to get the facts out can make such am amazing difference, can actually help derail bad policy before it hits us all.

Enjoy these Esquire Magazine Excerpts!

While many scientists believe the Earth’s climate is determined by forces such as the sun, others think the exorbitant lifestyle of Al Gore and polars bears is the real culprit.

As for the somewhat snarky tone of the piece, well, the Esquire writer clearly believes that changes in climate will be catastrophic and man is the culprit. At the bottom of each page on Esquire’s website is a link, “Being Green”, which leads to the official statement on the issue by the publisher, Hearst Corporation: “There is no question that global warming is the No. 1 issue challenging our environment and our ability to sustain this planet.” 

For those who want more on the climate change fiasco, I’ve written on this several times, so follow these links!

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