Facebook’s Stop the Humane Society of the United States (H$U$) group just passed the 18,000 members mark! It’s growth is really phenomenal.
This group had 9,242 members
on July 24, 2009. By December 4 it had grown to 11,896 and by December
23, 2009 membership was at 12,799! On January 18, 13,460 people had
joined, growing quickly to 14,348 on the 15th and to 15,151 on the 19th
of January 2010. On February 8, it passed 18,000! At this rate —
well, you do the math!
Invite all your friends to
join and maybe, one day, this will be the key site for helping push back
H$U$’s plans to replace herds of bison with fields of soybeans! Save
the puppies! Stop H$U$!
While H$U$ claims 11 million
“constituents”, just under 5,000 are listed as “Friends of Wayne”, its
vegan CEO. Searching through Wayne’s friends, I discover that Wayne and
I have zero, absolutely zero, Facebook friends in common. Amazing.
But maybe it has something to do with the fact that, when asked if he envisioned a future without pets, Wayne replied, “If I had my personal view, perhaps that might take hold. In fact, I don’t want to see another dog or cat born”.
While it’s not surprising
that the vast majority of Wayne’s Facebook Friends live in DC, New York
and San Fran, I was surprised to see photos of a some riding horses and
posing with their pets. If Wayne gets his way, few people will be able
to afford to keep a horse, experience the joy of a puppy under the
Christmas tree, and your Thanksgiving dinner will consist of compressed
soybean mash, “tofurkey”, as part of the vegan lifestyle to which Wayne
is committed. No more BBQ for you!
FCUSA keeps a special section on H$U$ and Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF) has started www.humanewatch.org. Trent Loos interviewed CCF’s David Martosko on ths great new site — it’s a terrific interview so do listen!
You too should join Facebook’s Stop the Humane Society of the United States (H$U$) group today! Let’s go for the 100,000 mark by Easter egg hunting time!