On oil slicks and well-greased politics

In the biggest environmental disaster in U.S. history, oil continues to spill into the waters of the Gulf from the BP drill site. It’s not the first such spill and won’t be the last.

Oil is the source of all the synthetic clothing promoted as an “alternative” for real fur, natural fiber fur.

And our fossil fuel-based lifestyle is blamed for climate change by virtually every eco-group and government on the planet. In fact, the Obama administration has committed $100 billion a year to fund the UN’s climate change treaty commitments.

Meanwhile, British Petroleum is an oil company based in the UK which, as part of the EU, has committed to reduce fossil fuel consumption to meet climate change goals.

Hypocritically, the EU and the USA have banned natural fiber fur, sustainable fur, produced from abundant seal stocks by the Inuit and other peoples living in North America’s high north.

As the oil slick from the BP disaster coats everything it touches, the EU and the USA engage in oily politics and issue mixed messages about the future.

Perhaps the people to lead us forward into a sustainable future are those who never abandoned their past?  


Sealsandsealing.net is an expert site for more on sealing. And FCUSA keeps a section on the issue too.